Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Why cloud computing? Meanwhile it’s the best object for small business since the creation of the stapler. Cloud computing can give you entrance to your business data and applications from anyplace at any time from any mobile device, at a reasonable price. The cloud gives small businesses access to technologies that formerly were out of their range and lets them compete with both other small businesses and larger ones.

Cloud computing permits access to files and applications over the Internet instead of the software running on the local PC or device. The Cloud has extended the capabilities of small and medium sized businesses into the future.

  • Cut upfront infrastructure costs
  • Flexible & Scalable pay as you use model
  • Customized to fit all of your software needs
  • 99.99% uptime guarantee

Iqra Communication is on the lead of corporate cloud IT solutions. An advanced hybrid system. Which is customizable, flexible and extremely economical, allowing your business to reduce tech costs by a significant margin. Overall, it increases user-end user functionality and competences from wherever you work.